These next few weekends are very busy with a lot of DIY holiday workshops. Some are team taught and others I am doing solo. All are going to be fun and "green" I hope some of you can check them out and make some cool stuff with me.
Fabmo: Eco wrap class We are going to use the wallpaper and fabric samples and
more to create bows, and wrap presents the Eco way.
December 8,2012 Register for the class online.
I am team teaching this with friend Dorothy Yuki. The class is in Mountain View from 9-12:00 pm.
Later on Saturday!!!!
SCRAP Party: at the Arc Studio and Gallery
December 8, 2012
1:00-3:00 pm
Make and Take: Gift tags, ornament and bows
Using found, repurposed and recycled materials: calendars, file folders, buttons, bottle caps, twine, card board and junk mail....I am volunteering at this event with fellow artists Dorothy Yuki, Megumi Inouye, Aiko Cuneo and Leslie Flores.
Here is the before picture of the supplies.
Here are the samples for the workshop. I used cereal boxes and card board for the base tag. And then used found
objects I found around my studio... .
Sunday Workshop!
December 9, 2012
This one is at Ruth's Table in the San Francisco Mission District.
Join us for DIY Holliday Crafts!
Register for the workshop at
Use wall paper, discarded books and more to wrap your gifts or make some tiny Xmas trees... Hanukkah stuff ... |
December 15, 2012
1:00-4:00 pm
Register at
This is team taught by me and my friend Megumi Inouye It is out third annual gift wrap workshop at SCRAP! We have all of the warehouse of SCRAP to use for materials. How great is that?
This bow was made out of a discarded book.
The last workshop of the season is in Mill Valley, CA. at the O'hanlon Center for the Arts. This is called "NOT YOUR ORDINARY WREATH"
Register online for this class also.
December 16, 2012
10:00-12:30 pm
We will use ordinary materials to make up to three wreaths... coffee filter, paper towel tubes and a discarded books and repurpose them into wreaths. Give these object a new life! Use the wreaths all year round.